It gives me great pleasure in informing you on the successful completion of 25th years of operation of our NCET Driving Training School. We Authorized By State Transport Authority, (S.T.A.), Cuttack, Govt. Of Odisha. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization.

At our Training School we are giving both HMV and LMV courses. Apart from this we also provide Computer Training Course and First Aid Training Course.

Our Driving Training School has received highly encouraging response from the Driver fraternity and all this has been possible due to the active participation and involvement of the Office of Transport Commissioner, Officers of the Transport Department.

I am thankful to all our mentors and faculty members and I believe that the support and contribution will be continuing in the coming years

Thanking You,
Yours sincerely,

Bijoy Kumar Dalai.
Secratary cum Principal